Web Technologies Lab

Web Technologies Lab Experiments

0. Introduction to HTML
1.(a) My First Webpage
1.(b) Webpage with body tag
2. Implementation of Text Formatting tags
3. Implementation of List in HTML
4. Implementation of FORMS in HTML
5. Implementation of FRAMES
6(a). Validation of FORMS
6(b). Change background color on Button click
6(c). Validation of Checkboxes
6(d). Calculate factorial of inputted number through prompt box
6(e). Check whether inputted string is palindrome or not.

Web Technologies Lab Experiments (as per syllabus).

  1. WAP to create a HTML document.
  2. WAP to use Formatting tags in HTML.
  3. WAP of Form Processing using HTML.
  4. WAP of Form processing using JavaScipt.
  5. WAP of Event Handling using JavaScript.
  6. WAP to show ordered & unordered Lists in HTML.
  7. WAP to implement Event Handling in Java.
  8. WAP to implement Overloading function in JAVA.
  9. WAP using interface in JAVA.
  10. WAP to implement Java Applets.
  11. WAP to demonstarte basics of PHP.
  12. WAP to demonstrate database connectivity using PHP and MySQL

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