0. Introduction to RDBMS
1. Case studies on normalization
2. Study and usage of query optimization techniques
3. Study and usage of backup and recovery features of database management software
4. Server administration of any database management software
5. Study and usage of any object oriented or object relational database management software
6. Study and usage of open source data mining tool: Weka
7. Study of web databases
8. Development of a project by making use of tools studied above

Introduction to PLSQL.
Program 1. WAP to find whether a number is less than or greater than 5.
Program 2. To perform various arithmetic operations.
Program 3. WAP to find the sum of even no. upto 10.
Program 4. WAP that uses datatype of sal from employee table (%type attribute)
Program 5. WAP to insert the employee code into employee table.(%rowtype attribute)

Program 6. Write a PL/SQL code to check whether a number is even or odd.
Program 7. Write a program to find the grades of the student.
Program 8. Write a PLSQL code which explains the usage of no_data_found exception.
Program 9.Write a PLSQL code to find the greatest number between the three numbers.
Program 10. Write a PLSQL code to demonstrate the predefined exception in program.
Program 11. Write a PLSQL code to remove the problem in program no.=10.
Program 12. Write a PLSQL code which handles more than one exception.
Program 13.Write a PLSQL code which explains the usage of NO_DATA_FOUND exception.
Program 14. Write a PLSQL  code that uses implicit cursor attributes. In this program update salary of employees, if the salary is not updated then display message for that.
Program 15. Write a PLSQL code that returns the total no. of rows that are updated using ROWCOUNT attribute.
Program 16. Write a PLSQL code to delete a record from table, if delete operation succeeds the insert operation
Program 17. Write a PLSQL code to demonstrate the exception
Program 18.Create a user defined exception which checks the name of the employee is bank during the insertion. If you left the name blank it will raise error.
Program 19. Write a PLSQL code to display the information of the employees from employeee table with %NOTFOUND attribute.
Program 20. Write a PLSQL code to display the information of a given department.
Program 21. Write a PLSQL code to increase the salary of the employees if the post is of ‘clerk’, his or her salary will be doubled and if the post is of ‘salesman’ he or she will get the increment of 5%.
Program 22. Write a PLSQL code to find the sum of two numbers.
Program 23. Write a PLSQL code to find out the salary of an employee if salary is less than 18000 of employee no.7, then add RS 1000 to the original salary of that employee.
Program 24. Write a PLSQL code to find out factorial of a number. 
Program 25. Write a PLSQL code to perform arithmetic operations on some data.
Program 26. Write a PLSQL code to remove problem in program.

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